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Oftentimes, percents are taught abstractly with a singular focus: change percents to decimals and make those calculations! Get that answer! While expeditious, this product-focused approach gets the children to the point of operational competency that they forget as soon as the topic falls to disuse. How do we approach percents differently?
- Spiral-staircase sequencing refreshes a wide variety of other math skills gives them intellectual context.
- Applying percents through mental math, estimating, calculating, and graphing provides practical life relevance – real-world context.
- Concrete presentations provide multi-modal experiences for concept-building and deep understanding.
- In aggregate, deep conceptual understanding, relevance, and context move learning from episodic memory to semantic and procedural memory, which are far more durable memories.
The lessons in Making Sense of Percents introduce percents as an outgrowth of fraction equivalencies and again as an outgrowth of decimals. Lessons are written to be flexible, to be used for children with a variety of prior skills and knowledge, with guidance on where lessons can be combined or omitted for children with a stronger mathematical foundation.
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