The Fine Art of Solving Story Problems – Level One: Math Facts


This work extends work begun with The Fine Art of Deciphering Story Problems into solving mathematical problems.  Children will

  • apply previously acquired deciphering skills to select the proper operation
  • apply math fact knowledge – can we ever practice math facts enough?
  • reinforce their knowledge from biology, astronomy, geography, geometry, grammar, and more.

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In The Fine Art of Deciphering Story Problems, children learned to turn sentences with words into sentences with numbers and symbols.

In the Fine Art of Solving Story Problems,  children apply previously acquired skills to set up the number sentence and then go on to solve the problems.  Since all operations are at the math facts level, the isolated difficulty is limited to the process of solving a story problem.  This provides a segue to stories with more complex whole number operations work.

All stories have cross-curricular subject matter, reinforcing knowledge from biology, astronomy, geography, geometry, grammar, and more.

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